HP Graphic Arts Brands and Agencies Playbook: Reinventing Creativity project was a full on, cover to cover design by myself, Del Posner, pulling from brand guidelines & style guides from Design Agency Bulletproof, whilst working with HP Graphic Arts. The HP Graphic Arts team are all about “humanising technology” and it takes Marketeers, Brands, Design Agencies and Print Suppliers through an immersive journey about Reinventing Creativity through a beautifully designed book, printed with HP Indigo technology and on 100% PCW paper. This sustainable book portrays how HP Indigo is the sustainable solution for printed material without compromising on colour, quality and graphical impact.
The covers were painting by myself, Del Posner, a vast B2 watercolour painting. This was then scanned using a HP DesignJet scanner in 600dpi high-definition detail into a PDF. Using HP SmartStream Designer for InDesign, she added the PDF to an HP Mosaic variable channel to create 500 unique and one of a kind covers that captures one section of the B2 painting. The colours are vibrant seamlessly flowing to the back cover creating a beautiful, art piece of its own.

Painting by Delyth Posner with watercolours on paper. © Delyth Posner 2020

Photography by Andrew Hobbs