HP Brands and Agencies & Eurostampa teams at the Mondo del Vino Event in Italia
I was asked from Eurostampa, an Italian Print Supplier, to design a new variable label for Itinera, a wine brand part of the Mundo del Vino wine cooperative. They hosted a workshop in Italy in July 2021 and the labels were to be used on 3x1000 magnum bottles for their top B2B customers. This brand was great to design for as they had a good brand story of following the stars to reach your destination. I proposed my “Dusk to Dawn” concept where the sky changes colour throughout the day and night and this was represented by 10 colour gradients, different colour gradients for each different type of wine. Using HP Mosaic, these scaled, rotated, cropped into different areas to display the ever-changing colours. In addition, because the brand story was all about following the stars, I wanted to bring this into the label too. The earth turns approx. 1º each day so when you look to the sky, the stars will be in a slightly different position each night. I replicated this using HP Mosaic and a vector star chart and set the parameters to rotate 1º.
Due to Covid19, I was not able to travel to Italy for the workshop however the HP and the Eurostampa teams, pictured right, took photos of the final product. I was told by both teams that the brand was extremely happy with the final outcome.

Photo by Abel Sanchez-Hermosilla, HP