What a great project this was. I absolutely loved working with the Kellogg’s team to develop a variable Corn Flakes pack for their 100th anniversary in the UK. I created a total of 12 variable design channels utilising HP SmartStream Designer capabilities. I used the beautiful posters designed by Landor, combined them into colour schemed patterns and created a variable Cornelius the Cockerel on the front. Kellogg’s wanted to utilise their historical brand assets and logo so I created a very large, retro wallpaper for the back of pack image using the old imagery from past Kellogg’s adverts and marketing campaigns. In addition, I celebrated the Landor posters on the side with two variable image channels to display two at a time on each box. I used the retro characters to vary in the new Kellogg’s 100 logo and finally, I added a counter to create the unique 2022 packs, to really display how individual they are.
It was a pleasure working with the team, an honour working with their highly regarded Corn Flakes brand and I loved attending the VIP event in Manchester to see my work all over the place, some packs were even bigger than me!
Online Articles
Variable packaging GIF showing the variability of the file
Pictures from Kellogg’s VIP Centenary event in Manchester