Mondelez Cadbury x Marks x SGSco x HP
With Design Agencies, I’ve been using the term “Variable Design Strategy” to describe the mechanics of the variable concept. This title best explains how to create that base template for where you apply your graphics to then create the infinite designs. The Cadbury Dairy Milk Premier League Clubs project is a prime example of a brand utilising the Variable Design Strategy to create multiple variable packaging designs. All of the packs had a different look and feel for each club but still with the same base design so they are seen as a set and a collector's edition. I worked with the Design Agency, Marks, and SGSco from ideation to execution. I helped them understand how they could bring the concept to life with HP SmartStream Designer, a plug-in for Adobe Illustrator. The grid structure behind was the main template using many variable image channels included variable square and rectangular graphics all associated to the club. This concept was coded in JavaScript to enable no square and rectangle had the same design or colour next to it which was completed by Guy Bibi, Senior Product Manager at HP. These packs have been reproduced for 9 clubs in the Premiership and I look forward to seeing the next 11 on the market!

Photography by Andrew Hobbs