The Milka Tenderness project was 120 messages combined with 10 associated icons varied randomly on the packs. This project was simple in a Variable Design Strategy sense because I was creating 2 image channels and placing in the content. The database was far from easy though as they wanted each message to have a different percentage of times it appears on the packs and then all of them randomised. I build the database in Excel and we created 2.5M packs of 100g and 270g tablets for Milka Netherlands. Milka wanted to create a gifting occasion where the people of The Netherlands can give their packs away to their loved ones, friends, etc with endearing messages.

Variable Data processing with Microsoft Excel
Using Excel, I created a database of all the aspects of the design that needed to be variable. All file names & elements were randomised to produce a variable output for retail so that each box that will be put on display in any shop will have a different selection of messages and icons. This meant that 1 shop wouldn't receive all heart icon messages, and another flower icon messaging. This information all came from this Excel file, arranged before even exporting the file to print.

Exporting the Excel database to .txt, I then adapted the Adobe Illustrator file designed by Marks to include the variable data. Here you can see the design file with all technical data, including die cut & Variable Data channels (blue boxes).
Preview into Variable Data Print (VDP) artwork for Milka Tenderness
Here you can see a snapshot of the variable design files created using HP SmartStream Designer for Illustrator. These are then exported to an .hpd file and sent to be expanded into the 2.5 million pack designs in 2 different size bars. After finishing the print file, I oversaw the communication with Mondelez' printer in Russia to make sure they were ok with how to print the file. If there were any issues, I helped them get the necessary help from local HP Solutions Managers to make sure it would be printer correctly.

The packs pictured are mock ups of 8/120 final designs.

Photos from Milka Netherland's campaign